Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

Introducing yourself in a confident and seamless way is a crucial skill for success at a job fair or hiring event. Here are five tips to help you craft the perfect pitch.

Tell A Story

Instead of sharing your most recent job title, open with a brief but impactful story. For example, “In my previous role as Sales Lead, I increased customer retention by 15% by talking customers through payment plans.” Talk about a skill that sets you apart from your peers.

Use the “So What?” Test

While practicing your pitch, ask yourself, “So what?” This forces you to think about what you’re saying and the value it adds to your 20-second pitch. Focus on the words, phrases, and stories that illustrate your knowledge and skills.

Use the task compare procedure

Describe tasks you have been responsible for and how they are similar to the tasks of the new role. Compare how you will solve problems and generate results.

Highlight Soft Skills

Apart from technical skills, emphasize soft skills like adaptability, problem-solving, or leadership. Highlighting your soft skills showcases your ability to communicate and contribute to a positive work culture.

End with a plan to follow up

Finish your introduction with a clear plan to continue the conversation further. Be clear about your intentions, whether you want to arrange a meeting, exchange contact details, or send more information at a later date.

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